Wednesday, August 24, 2016


1/2 kilo glutinous rice flour
1 grated mature coconut
3 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds
Pinch of Cinnamon (optional)

1. Boil water.
2. Shape galapong into small disks.
Drop one by one to the boiling water.
When it floats, it’s already cooked.
3. Remove cooked palitaw with a slotted spoon to drain the water and place on a bed of coconut (niyog).
 Cover both sides of the palitaw with coconut (niyog).
 Arrange on a platter or banana leaves.
4. Mix sugar, toasted sesame seeds and cinnamon.
 Sprinkle over the palitaw.

(c) owner

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